3D Printing Company App Icon

I wanted to create an app icon for 3D printing company, G3D, started by two young kids in Australia. Jessica and Elliot started 3D printing in primary school and sell their custom 3D-printed designs on facebook. I love supporting kids in tech and I wanted to design an app icon that has a similar vibe with their current branding while adding a sleek, modern feel to the logo.

In line with G3D's use of 3D design software, I used Spline to create the cube shape and to ensure each letter was parallel to each side of the cube. Initially, the cube had realistic highlights on certain edges to indicate that the object was 3-dimensional, but I ultimately decided to remove those features because they felt a little outdated and didn't communicate any additional information that didn't already exist in the more subtle model.

You can read more about Jessica and Elliot on a Makers Empire post about their company and purchase a custom design for yourself on their Facebook.