Pilates Tempe
March 2020

Providing clients with on demand fitness during COVID



Emiley - UX Designer, Gabi - Stakeholder


User Flow, IA, UI, Wireframes

Project Overview



Pilates Tempe On Demand is an online subscription service for Pilates clients that offers on-demand fitness classes. The service was created in response to the COVID shutdown of gyms in order to create a revenue stream. The MVP was imagined and launched over a span of 4 weeks.


  1. Provide a class experience similar to in-person classes
  2. Eliminate barrier to entry on signup and content viewing
  3. Provide content for users to view safely from home on their schedule 
  4. Create a positive, familiar environment during an uncertain time


High-Fidelity Wireframes

After updating each low-fidelity sketch to a high-fidelity prototype, we tested the user flow with some of our teachers to determine if the flow created any major pain points. Our time from ideation to launch was 4 weeks and we successfully released our on demand class service publicly.


Results and Takeaways

During testing, we learned that users had difficultly finding where to log in after they signed up and so we added a separate On Demand log in link to the home page. We spent the next few months gathering additional feedback from our users about what types of classes they were interested in seeing and if any technical issues arose with access to the on-demand content.

As this was a real business service that launched during a particularly unusual time, there was a lot I learned about designing with very limited constraints. We created this product as an emergency revenue stream which taught me a lot about designing and managing projects during periods of stress. I learned how to communicate and design effectively in a remote situation, as well as how to gather feedback from users when they weren't available in person. I loved creating this product and was very proud seeing it launch. We received a lot of positive feedback from our clients who missed connecting with people during COVID.

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